During each unit of study, students learn through inquiry labs, content readings, and projects. There will be a strong emphasis on implementing the scientific method to write lab reports and analyze data. The correlation between science and math is significant, as students will discover this year. Students will be encouraged to ask questions and pursue answers to those questions. Science units this year include: Properties of Matter, Ecosystems, Weather and Seasons, Water Quality.
Students will study writing units in narrative, informational, and literary essay genres. There will be a strong emphasis on the traits of good writing and students will follow a writing workshop format to develop their pieces through drafting, revising and editing, peer review, sharing and publishing. Students will develop their abilities to write a good lead to hook the reader's attention, well structured paragraphs, elaborated texts with vivid detail, and a well supported conclusion. We will also include poetry throughout the year.
The emphasis in math will be to build on the skills the students already have learned while introducing new concepts, such as evaluating and writing algebraic expressions, to prepare them for math in the seventh grade. Our curriculum aligns with the Common Core State Standards for Math. These standards build on the exisiting curriculumm but add rigor and increased opportunity for problem solving. This will allow the students to develop and practice algorithms and increase their mathematical maturity. They will not only be able to probelm solve, but to also justify their mathematical understanding of the concepts. All class notes and sample problems should be recored in the student's math journal. This journal should be in their binder at all times, to be used during class and for homework.
Students will be exploring several Common Core aligned units of study that are focused on expanding their depth of knowledge in comprehension and synthesis of presented concepts. We will be doing read alouds, independent reading (both in school and at home), shared readings, active reading strategies, vocabulary, written responses and many more mini-lessons on concepts that may need additional skills building to help students improve their reading, comprehension, and depth of knowledge. We will complete several projects throughout the year and clear expectations will be communicated. Students will be exposed to a variety of reading materials as well as complexity and skills to help them navigate the increased rigor our students are expected to learn in 6th grade. Reading is not a chore it's an adventure waiting to happen!
Social Studies
The goal of social studies education is to develop responsible, informed and engaged citizens and to foster civic, historical, geographic, and economic literacy. This year all students will begin the year with one of the four teachers. During this first rotation, students will start with the concept of understanding what is social studies and then an introduction to citizenships rights and responsibilities. This will lead us into our planning of the Veterans Day Assembly.
Throughout the remainder of the year, students will meet with each of their teachers for a total of 4 more rotations which will include lessons on Latin America and the Caribbean, Western Europe, Africa and Asia.